"Information comes from words. Knowledge comes from experience"
Nat Stevens - Founder of Build In Oz

with kate meade
Women of Influence Podcast
This all exists for one person. YOU. Find out what drives me to dedicate my life's work to helping you build the best home your budget can afford.

Get Invested Podcast
Here, finance architect and all round awesome human Bushy Martin takes me on a deep dive into the benefits of building a new home in Australia today. It's the not so obvious benefits that Aussies are missing out on spending thousands more on their home than they really need to as a consequence.

with sam buckby
Spaces Podcast
Here, along with Sam Buckby I explore the idea of having your home built on your terms so that you can get the most from your building buck. This podcast episode is about putting the power of knowledge back in your hands.

Go All In Podcast
Here, I deep dive with Robert Brus to help you to understand the hidden traps of building and how the whole process of planning to build a new home as being dictated by the people that are selling to us! This means that sellers are in control and the buyers at the mercy of their sales pitches. Here, I flip this on its head and call BS on the industry where warranted.